The Secret Teachings of Plants


In The Secret Teachings of Plants, author Stephen Buhner reveals the use of direct perception in understanding Nature, medicinal plants, and the healing of human disease.
• Explores the techniques used by indigenous and Western peoples to learn directly from the plants themselves, including those of Henry David Thoreau, Goethe, and Masanobu Fukuoka, author of The One Straw Revolution
• Contains leading-edge information on the heart as an organ of perception

In The Secret Teachings of Plants, author Stephen Buhner reveals the use of direct perception in understanding Nature, medicinal plants, and the healing of human disease.
• Explores the techniques used by indigenous and Western peoples to learn directly from the plants themselves, including those of Henry David Thoreau, Goethe, and Masanobu Fukuoka, author of The One Straw Revolution
• Contains leading-edge information on the heart as an organ of perception All ancient and indigenous peoples insisted their knowledge of plant medicines came from the plants themselves and not through trial-and-error experimentation. Less well known is that many Western peoples made this same assertion. There are, in fact, two modes of cognition available to all human beings–the brain-based linear and the heart-based holistic. The heart-centered mode of perception can be exceptionally accurate and detailed in its information gathering capacities if, as indigenous and ancient peoples asserted, the heart’s ability as an organ of perception.

Mankind cannot survive without nutritional and medicinal properties of plants. The number of plant species on Earth has been estimated at about 400,000, with many of these species remaining unknown to humans. While only a fraction have been identified and categorized by Western botanists, it is safe to say that many of the plants unknown in the West are known to indigenous people living within the plants’ natural settings.

All ancient and indigenous peoples insist their knowledge of plant medicines comes from the plants themselves and not through trial-and-erroe experimentations. Less well known is that many of these plant teachings are at the basis of many of the modern discoveries in both medicine and in plant foods.

Published by Inner Traditions


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