Vision Board with Nancy Warble

As we emerge from a time of unprecedented caution and even quarantine, we find that this Pause has been an opportunity to reassess our priorities.  Now is a good time to clarify your goals, your dreams and desires.  A visual clarification and an affirmation for your spirit, a Vision Board is a creative way to […]


3-Card Tarot Readings with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]


3-Card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be about 15 minutes and the cost is $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, […]


3-Card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]


3-card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]

3-card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]

3-card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]

She is Here – Come Meet the Author

Gina Martin, author of the When She Wakes series (Sisters of the Solstice Moon, Walking the Threads of Time, and She Is Here), will be at Radiance to read from her latest book, She Is Here. Come and join us to ask questions, talk about all things Goddess, and spin our notions of what a post-patriarchal world can look like. Copies of all three […]


3-card Tarot Reading with Nancy

Want some insight into what’s happening in your life?  Stop in for a quick 3-card tarot reading at Radiance or make an appointment if you prefer.  Readings will be 12-15 minutes and cost $13.Tarot is a unique and age-old divination tool that can help you connect with Spirit, access your inner guidance, receive messages from […]

Let’s Make a Joyful Noise with Gina Martin

Singing, chanting, humming close to tune- all of these, when we do them together, can fill us with joy. In this workshop we will learn some chants and sacred songs, and raise the roof. Gina Martin, composer and curator of WomEnchanting, a Compendium of Sacred Songs and Chants will lead us through the building blocks of sacred song-making […]

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