April is Poetry Month and we hope you’ll join us for this special event on April’s First Friday (April 5) from 6 to 8 pm.
At our Poet-Tree for the Goddess of Springtime event, we will have the pleasure of hearing poetry from several local poets, including Daina Savage (former Lancaster Poet Laureate), Beth Weaver-Kreider, and Angela Bigler. Each of these published poets will have their own books available for purchase and signing.
Who IS the Goddess of Springtime? In every culture around the world we can find goddesses who represent this Springtime energy of awakening and blossoming. She is everywhere, and has many names. She might be Eostre, or Persephone. She might be Jura or Freya. She might be Anahit or Asase Yaa, or she might be simply Spring.
If you have a favorite poem about a Goddess of Springtime, you will have the opportunity to share it. So, bring a favorite or write a new one in Her honor!
In meditation, we will each write a poem and hang it on our Poet-Tree. And, as a group, we will co-create a poem and recite it as a group.
For the protection of everyone attending the class, if you have any symptoms of cold, flu, or any other virus, we ask that you not attend.
We hope you’ll join us for this very special Springtime evening! Cost is $20 per person. You can register here, call (717) 290-1517, or stop in the shop! If you register online, be sure to choose Local Pick-up in the shipping options so that you won’t be charged for shipping.
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