
Herb Bundles for Burning


Premium quality hand-harvested and hand-tied pure herb bundles (4 inch). All of our herb bundles are perfect for clearing energies and preparing for ritual.

These high quality and organic herbs are grown and harvested at a farm located in beautiful Southern California. They use absolutely no pesticides or growth hormones and sun dry the lush bundles for a simply amazing all natural product.

Premium quality hand-harvested and hand-tied pure herb bundles (4 inch). All of our herb bundles are perfect for clearing energies and preparing for ritual.

These high quality and organic herbs are grown and harvested at a farm located in beautiful Southern California. They use absolutely no pesticides or growth hormones and sun dry the lush bundles for a simply amazing all natural product.

Many people are familiar with the practice of burning White Sage for smudging. There are several reasons to consider using other herbs for this purpose.  White Sage is becoming at-risk because of over-harvesting and extended draughts in the areas where it grows wild. If you truly need White Sage, make certain that it is cultivated and/or responsibly harvested.  Also, consider whether it is culturally appropriate for you to use White Sage.  I prefer to use Mugwort because it grows freely where I live, and Juniper because it has a long connection to my ancestral heritage.

Mugwort is perfect to encourage dreams, expansive meditations, and even visions.

Juniper is the traditional herb used in saining, the Scottish ceremony of filling your home or room with smoke to clear away lingering energies after illness. Juniper is also used in healing work with ancestors.

Rosemary has long been considered an herb for loving remembrance.  Rosemary has invigorating and thought-clarifying properties.

Cedar supports health and wellness, and honors our relationships with all beings.


Cedar, Juniper, Mugwort, Rosemary


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