Sage Spray from Shaman’s Dawn


Clear your home, work space, or auric field with this Sage Spray blend of white sage and other purifying herbs. Smudge without the smoke- great for work or public spaces. White Sage and Cedar have long been used by the people of North America during smoke or smudging ceremonies to purify the mind, heart, body, and soul. This spray brings forth the energies of these sacred plants without having to use smoke. Spray in an area to purify energy. Fan the mist over yourself to cleanse your personal energy field.

Clear your home, work space, or auric field with this Sage Spray blend of white sage and other purifying herbs. Smudge without the smoke- great for work or public spaces.

White Sage and Cedar have long been used by the people of North America during smoke or smudging ceremonies to purify the mind, heart, body, and soul. This spray brings forth the energies of these sacred plants without having to use smoke. Spray in an area to purify energy. Fan the mist over yourself to cleanse your personal energy field.

Herbs are White Sage, Cedar, and Rosemary

Hand Made – No Animal Products – No Animal Testing

All Natural and Made with Essential Oils

Shamanically blessed in ceremony

The Shamans Dawn line of energy clearing sprays is hand blended and shamanically blessed by Adam Kane with healing energy and intention. Each spray is a blend of herbs that Adam was guided to use by the healing spirits. The sprays draw upon the powers and energies of the plant spirits within them to clear and balance the energy of a space or person’s energy field to facilitate peace and healing.

Each cobalt glass bottle is 4oz


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